This past week-end I went down to Sanibel Island and Naples, FL. Even though I was still in Florida, it seemed like a totally different place. It's on the Gulf of Mexico side so the beach on Sanibel Island was different with soft, white sand and covered in seashells. Naples is a pretty city, full of the homes of the rich and famous and a cool shopping district.
What did I learn from all this? God has created a beautiful world for me to enjoy. I was able to walk on the beach, picking up seashells for a craft project, talking to my family, and seeing dolphins swimming in the water. Even though I don't live in a mansion here on earth, I have one waiting for me in heaven. In the meantime, I can be content that God is here taking care of all my needs. This makes me richer than I can describe and imagine.

"Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy." John 16:24
Lisa, I agree whole heartedly. Even after thousands of years of sin, we still have glimpses of the beautiful world that God gave us. But even with such pretty surroundings, I can't wait until heaven where it will surpass all. "Build me just a cabin in the corner of Gloryland..." la la la :-)
Sanibel Island is a nice spot, but I'm sure heaven has it beat. God may call us to give up some of this life's pleasures, but heaven forever will more than make up the difference.
wow, that Florida sunshine sure sounds inviting after all of the cold rain we've been having here in DK. Yet, I've found that you're absolutely right about God providing us with beauty to enjoy, even though we may be poor and cold and wet. :-) Whether it be the patterns the wind makes across the fjord, the delicate song of a european chickadee, or the bright beams of a post-storm rainbow, God sends His blessings each day.
Our famuly of seven (including your Mom, of course), visited Sanibel Island in 1967, driving to Florida in our faithful white VW bus.
We thought that Sanibel Island was as beautiful as you describe it.
We collected many seashells.
I liked your previous input where you are telling us that you pray while you drive to work.
I do something similar.
After our regular morning service I take my bike and hit the road.
I consider the trip an extension of our worship, for as I pedal around I talk to my Father, and he talks to me. A wonderful experience at the beginning of each day.
Apparently you have the same experience. You write "...He (God) quickly impressed me with the fact that He knew all about it and had it under control without my help."
At a later date I will have a piece on our blog site about God's miraculous plan for my life.
Morfar (Farf on the blog)
I misspelled family. Sorry!
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