Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Hi all! I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. I am still here. Life took an interesting turn since my last post. I moved closer to work. After much prayer, I found an apartment 6 miles from work. Now I'm not spending half my day on the highway. I'm still staying at my church. Moving closer to work moved away from church, but I don't mind driving a little farther just on Sabbath. It's been fun decorating a new apartment. Joann's is just down the road so now I have a valid excuse to go shopping for a new project! I am still in awe at how God opened doors and led me to right people to help me find my apartment. Students still need financial aid so back to work I go.


Paul said...

glad that you are still with us. new homes are great fun. Petra and I have been enjoying ours immensely.

Greetings from VA

Threads Everywhere said...

I am glad to hear that you are enjoying your new apartment. I am sure you will be a blessing to the others near by, and that God will give you new opportunities to witness of His love! Hope we can come by when we visit in a few weeks.

Petraglyph said...

Hey Lisa! Haven't checked your blog in awhile. I didn't know you moved! Can you give us your new address? Praise the Lord that He provided the right spot at the right time. We're praying for you. Happy Sabbath!

Per said...

You have a very nice apartment. We enjoyed visiting you and seeing the new furniture in place. God is good! He always provides!